Need more Clients? No problem.

Want a powerful, non-sales-y way to enroll your next 5, 10...even 15 paying Clients in 90 days or less?

Master the art of these 3 simple, yet highly effective conversations that build trust on the spot and make 'selling' a thing of the past.

  • Do you KNOW you have an amazing program, if you could just get people to raise their hand and say YES!
  • Are you sick and tired of losing potential clients because you're not quite sure what to say to close the deal?
  • Are you starting to worry that you may have to close the doors and deal with the disappointment of knowing you couldn't make it on your own?

STOP! Before you spend another dollar or waste another minute of your precious time fixing things that won't change your results, get to the real heart of the matter - you have a COMMUNICATION problem.

Don't change your marketing.

Don't change your branding.

Don't change your website.


What if all it took to generate a predictable, 6-figure level income was building a connection, adding value and having a collaborative spirit instead of using 'tactics' that feel pushy and manipulative?

Yes, this is an income-generating program. But this is a COMMUNICATION program, not a sales program. When you master the art of the 'Captivating Conversation' that connects and builds trust instantly, 'selling' becomes irrelevant. And the very best part - you don't need page after page of a cheesy sales script either.

Master the Art of the 'Captivating Conversation' and Selling becomes Irrelevant!

This simple system is based on connecting with the exact right people then speaking from the heart with a few 'Conversation Cues' built in that tell you exactly when it's time to take things to the next Conversation. It's super-easy and it almost instantly becomes second nature so it feels really great to you AND your potential clients.

Go from performing sales tactics that 'trick' people into buying to having compelling, value-rich, relationship-building conversations with the exact right people that feel 100% natural to you. Your confidence will soar! And your new clients will never feel 'sold to'. All they'll feel - what they'll KNOW - is that you genuinely care about them and want to help them solve a problem that's making them feel miserable.

Stop trying to use tricks and gimmicks that feel miserable to you - and your clients!

One of the biggest perks of this program? You can do ALL OF IT right from your desk so you can get started right away.

No more waiting around week after week for another awkward, uncomfortable and let's face it - costly - networking event where you walk out with a business contact or two that you probably won't follow up on. Your time, energy and money are too precious for something that doesn't end up in income. So take control of the narrative and start a conversation that will predictably lead to money in the bank and give you the confidence that a 6-figure business (or more!) is completely possible if you follow the right steps.

Rather than tell you more about what you'll do, how about talking about what you WON'T HAVE TO DO to start generating predictable income:

  • No more stumbling over your words with a messy message that doesn't excite your potential clients
  • No more in-person networking events that go nowhere
  • No more 'set up' of your online sales funnel that doesn't lead to sales
  • No more COLD CALLING strangers (yuck!) who drop your call or never even bother to pick up in the first place
  • No more 'engaging' on social media with post after post without even a nibble of interest for your efforts
  • No more complicated, expensive marketing strategies that take months, if not years, to get working that do nothing but drain your bank account and leave you frustrated and losing sleep

You get the idea...all of those things that waste your time and money and energy that maaaaybe 'someday' might lead to a sale just drop off your To-Do List. You already have everything you need right now to start generating much more income in your business. You have my word.

If you think is sounds too good to be true, I understand your hesitation.

Hi! I'm Lauri

I'm Lauri Hand, your 'Steady Stream of Clients' Coach, and let me tell you why you should take my advice!

I spent the early years of my business talking to hundreds of Solopreneurs just like you and me - lured in by the magnetic pull of 'making money while you sleep' - sign me up!

But after 2 long, anxiety-ridden years and more than $35K spent on expert advice, I had almost nothing to show for my time, effort and money because nothing I'd created online actually ended up getting me clients (let alone earning income). I was having WAY better luck just TALKING to people about what I do, what they were up to and why this mattered so much to me.

Then it hit me - billions of dollars had been made for decades before the internet was even an idea! So I spent the next several months researching, fine-tuning and testing out a feel-good way to get to the YES by getting back to the art of the conversation. And the CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM was born. Cue the clouds parting and the rays of sun shining through!

After all of that painful (and expensive!!) trial and error, I finally found the exact right mix of captivating conversations combined with the right kind of flawless follow up was all that was needed. It was way more powerful than any of my failed 'Sales Funnel' attempts and waaaaay more FUN than the slimy sales tactics. And when I finally got my personal secret formula just right, I enrolled 18 new paying clients in less than 90 days! It felt like magic - but I knew it wasn't .

I enrolled 18 new paying clients in less than 90 days!

I've been burned out there in the world of online marketing too and personally, I'm fed up! I'm fed up with all of the programs that are completely the wrong timing or worse, that over-promise and under-deliver - if they even deliver at all. I stand behind what I say because I'm committed to your success and it matters to me on a personal level that you make it in your business and have a steady stream of clients and income you can count on to keep you living the dream where you belong.

Breathe a sigh of relief!!


I'm not talking tons of conversations, I'm talking about mastering THREE simple conversations that naturally build a bond with the person you want the very most as a client. All you need is a conversation for:

  • Meeting them to find out if they're interested
  • Keeping them interested until they're ready to take action
  • Inviting them to work with you to solve their problem

The Science and Psychology of Sales -

It's Human Nature!

So you've probably heard that the first step to sales is to create the 'Know/Like/Trust Factor.' But do you know why?

And haven't you had the experience of creating a bond with someone trying to create Know/Like/Trust just like they told you to, but you just weren't able to move that person out of the 'Friend Zone' and into a paying client? You know they liked and trusted you, right?

It happened to me too! And I was so frustrated that I went in search of the answer I wasn't getting from the 'experts' and here it is.

What's missing here is the 'Human Nature' element, the science and psychology of the sales process. Not the manipulations I see happening all over the industry. I'm talking about the things that feel good to people while respecting that there are steps in a process that have to be followed in order to cultivate a healthy and productive communication with your client.

But here's the thing. Human Nature also means connection, warmth, timing and CONFIDENCE. That's right. This process considers the human nature of both you AND your client. Think about that!

That's what's missing from so many other pieces of 'sales' advice. The other guys tell you all about how to get inside the head of your future client. But that's only considering one of the parties involved in the transaction!

Half of the equation is missing because the focus is on a one-way manipulation rather than a two-way conversation.

Not anymore!

Listen, people are TIRED of getting bombarded with online offers. They want to be respected. Spoken with, rather than spoken TO. Inspired by your passion and knowledge rather than coerced by your rehearsed sales tactics.

That's what make your future clients excited about YOU! They get to see you shining through and when they trust you to solve their problem, they'll say yes and mean it.

The CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM incorporates the 'Human Nature' of getting to the YES into each of the 3 conversations so you don't have to spend time learning all of the science stuff like I did. If you want to know, I'll tell you all about it but it's already baked in. And the system itself is really simple so you don't have to spend time learning it - you simply start using it.

Let me show you just how simple and natural it can be to earn more income and enroll more clients you love to work with every day without any pushing or manipulation.

Together we will create your handcrafted CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM using 3 simple, from-the-heart conversations so you can stop selling, get out of the chase and get to the business of serving your clients right away.

This is not another group program where you download some modules and try to figure it out yourself!

Over the next 8 weeks, you'll receive the personal attention you need from me, your 'Steady Stream of Income' Mentor. I'm an Expert at turning simple conversations into paying clients and now I'm going to help you become an expert at it too.

Join me now so you can learn the 3 simple, captivating conversations so you can quickly connect with your Crowd, create lasting trust on the spot and GET THE YES that means money in the bank without ever feeling like you're selling!


The Only 3 Conversations You'll EVER Need for a Thriving Business with 6-Figure Potential

3 Simple Conversations for a Steady Stream of Clients and Income You Can Count On


  • Know exactly what to say and do to build trust on the spot
  • Confidently move from the 'Friend Zone' to a simple sales conversation with a single, well-timed question
  • Have everything you need to get the YES and seal the deal in a way that feels great for both of you
  • Get quick income infusions whenever you want them with perfect-for-you clients that are happy to pay you
  • Freedom! Do it all right from your desk (or the beach)
  • Learn LIFELONG INCOME-GENERATING SKILLS no matter what you offer

Your CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM will be personalized JUST FOR YOU and the awesome thing you do. No more set up, no more waiting, just a simple way to start lots of conversations that result in paying CLIENTS and predictable income you can count on.

The REAL Insider Secret to Income:

Systematically getting from 'Nice to meet you' to 'I'm so glad we're working together!' faster in the most easy and natural way possible with the deepest connection!

Wondering how much this is going to cost you? First, I'd love for you to consider The CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM as an investment rather than a cost. A cost is money you pay out without getting anything in return, whereas an investment generates VALUE and earns you money - much more than the initial investment you make.

There is no question you could easily make thousands of dollars with the strategies and systems I've included in The CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM. My 'Done-With-You' elite coaching clients pay me tens of thousands of dollars to walk them hand-in-hand through this EXACT same system!

But I'm not going to charge you anywhere near that much. I've been there, remember? I know how hard it is to navigate the treacherous tides of small business marketing and sales. You try so hard to get your gifts out to the people who need you the most only to lose them at some point in the conversation without ever knowing why. It's heartbreaking! 

But even worse, it can make you start to doubt that you can do this. It can undermine your confidence that you can be a successful business owner. And it's difficult to keep throwing money at something when you don't see a return on your investment when it comes to getting clients and growing your business (and bank account!).

I'm asking you to invest the equivalent of JUST ONE CLIENT. Just one - and in return you'll have LIFELONG INCOME GENERATING SKILLS that will keep you in your dream business and CONFIDENCE that will allow it to thrive. This is a must have skill that every Solopreneur will have to learn at some point, so why wait to start having fun earning way more money and having lots of clients that you love?

Imagine - learning EXACTLY WHY your potential clients don't make it all the way to the YES and what to do instead. I will tell you exactly what to say, when to say it and what to do next so you can stop being stressed by sales and get back to the business of serving your clients.

Here's what you get when you say YES to the 90-Day Elite Coaching Program:

6 'Done With You' CLIENT ACCELERATOR Elite Coaching Calls with Lauri

6 45-Minute Elite Coaching Calls so together we can tap into the secrets of a faster path to more clients (and income!), practice what you're learning to truly master your 3 Conversations and get your new system working perfectly for you including:

  • Fun and Easy Ways to Find Perfect-For-You Clients to Fill your Calendar Fast
  • Revealing the Secret to Magnetize your Message so you can build trust on the spot
  • Discovering the Treasure in Your Tracker with a simple approach that's PERSONALIZED to YOU
  • Create an EASY BREEZY OFFER that Sells Itself
  • And More Expert Advice on how to get out of the Friend Zone with confidence and grace

($3000 value)

The INVITE$ TO INCOME 3-Hour Masterclass - LIVE with Q&A

You can't have the conversation until you get them on the calendar! Learn the path from HI to YES in a single day. In this LIVE Step-by-Step Instruction you'll quickly learn the ART OF THE IRRESISTIBLE INVITE - to get you into the 'Friend Zone', out of the 'Friend Zone' and into a NEVER SALES-Y sales conversation with ease. In a matter of hours, you'll know the much-easier-than-you-think way to fill your calendar with high-quality potential clients that are EXCITED to talk to you. This powerful Masterclass includes LIVE Q&A so you can get your questions answered on the spot

($3000 value)

The FLAWLESS FOLLOW UP Conversation Tracker System

So you never miss a single income-generating conversation again and show up every single time like the powerful professional that you are

($2000 value)

And you also get:


5 self-paced 'how-to' Captivating Conversation modules designed to help you masterfully navigate the conversation with any potential client and lead them down the path to YES! without ever pressuring or feeling 'sales-y'' including

  • The Start Chatting Conversation - so you can start a conversation instantly with anyone in your online Crowd and never go to another awkward networking event again (yay!)
  • The Warm Up Conversation - so you can quickly and easily master the art of moving from the 'Friend Zone' with ONE PERFECTLY TIMED QUESTION and into a never sales-y sales conversation your potential client can't wait to have
  • The Instant Value Conversation - so you can EFFORTLESSLY ENROLL your new clients with this powerful, crucial conversation while they thank you each and every step of the way
  • The Make Offer Conversation - the conversation that literally does the work for you and CLOSES THE SALE BY ITSELF so you can stop worrying about money and get to the business of serving your clients
  • The Conversation Tracker System Training - Insider Secrets to the FLAWLESS FOLLOW UP that means clients you love and money in the bank

($2000 value)


with the exact tools and templates that have been proven to easily (and joyfully) generate thousands of dollars of income for each and every new client including:

  • The What's In It For Me? Cheatsheet
  • The Secret Language Translator
  • The Instant Authority Introduction
  • The Golden Pricing Ratio
  • The EASY OBJECTION Handler
  • And much, much more!

($1000 value)

Total Value: $11,000

Master the art of the conversation and you'll never have to 'sell' again!


A word from Lauri - my BIG WHY

I believe that we as Small Business Owners can do much better than the 1 in 10 success rate (less than 1 in 20 for coaches)*. And as a someone who was able to escape the corporate world and have a thriving business, I've made it my personal mission to improve our success rate as women entrepreneurs!

The #1 key to your success is your ability to 'sell' YOU!

Sounds intimidating - but it doesn't have to be. If you can enroll paying clients through a handful of simple conversations, you will always be able to have your own 6-figure business. Getting clients is the ONLY thing you actually MUST do in your business. And it's the only thing you truly MUST LEARN how to do that you can't delegate away.

Having a simple yet powerful conversation that connects you with your future clients is some of the easiest, most effective marketing there is. So the sooner you learn how to shine as the awesome business owner you are, the sooner you can start forgetting about your bank account and get back to serving you clients. They need you now!

And it only takes 3 Conversations!

Only THREE Conversation to clearly convey exactly what you bring to the table so you new clients can't wait to start working with you and will happily pay you for what you do.


My promise to you:

  • You don't have to have painful sales conversations that feel awkward and icky and leave you wondering what you did wrong
  • You truly have an option to earn a 6-figure income with or without a corporate gig (especially one that makes you feel empty inside)
  • You can easily get paying clients by being yourself and speaking from the heart when you follow 'Human Nature'
  • There is a way to enroll clients that feels really good for both you AND your new client
  • You will have confidence that you can have a business you love AND be well-paid for it
  • SO YOU CAN STOP WORRYING about money and get back to the business of serving your clients today.

Total Value: $11,000

Master the art of the captivating conversation and you'll never have to 'sell' again.

Don't take my word for it...

Here's what a few of my clients have to say about the CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM:

If you would have told me I could feel this at ease about finding new clients without spending lots on advertising and I didn't even have to leave my desk,I never would have believed you. I thought I'd take a chance because the CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM just sounded so do-able. And it really is!"

Esther Shelley, Wellness Expert

“I was so stuck at the time, and in my own head trying to figure out how to sell my program, and it seemed like it was impossible to pull myself out of my own thoughts. The CONVERSATION$ TO INCOME SYSTEM is so simple and since there is no 'fluff', that just made it so doable. I knew exactly what to do with the very 1st Module - finding your niche, starting conversations with lots of people you've never met before and knowing exactly what to say and do instantly. Because you've made it so simple, it's exactly what someone who's so stuck needs to hear right at that moment.

Not like other coaches trying to make their programs seem bigger and better than they are. I needed someone to come in and make it as simple as possible and give me just the steps to get from point A to point B. And that's what your system does. It's extremely simple and that make it just so DOABLE right off the bat!"

Lauren Watson, Branding Expert

The flexibility of the system and the certainty of where to pick up right where you left off when life gets in the way your business goals was amazing. This is a HUGE difference from other programs that don't allow for missed calls and expiring content."

Archanaa Shyam, Medical Intuitive

Total Value: $11,000

Master the art of the captivating conversation and you'll never have to 'sell' again.